With so many different types of digital ELA resources, it can be a challenge to find what will best meet the needs of your students. I will share different types of digital resources and their benefits to help you choose what is right for your virtual classroom.

Digital Interactive Notebooks
Digital interactive notebooks are so engaging because they can contain a variety of different activities and tasks for students. Some activities require students to add pictures, drag and drop objects, and answer prompts. Activities in digital interactive notebooks often require more analysis and deeper thinking than other digital resources.
Check out these digital interactive notebooks: Vocabulary Digital Interactive Notebook, Fiction Digital Interactive Notebook, Poetry Digital Interactive Notebook, Independent Reading Digital Interactive Notebook, Digital Interactive Notebook Bundle

Digital Matching Games
Digital matching games are a fun way to reinforce the skills your students are learning. They are also versatile. They can be used for independent work, group work, early finishers, or timed challenges. Students enjoy them because they break up the monotony of regular activities.
Check out these digital matching games: Irony Digital Matching Game, Rhetorical Appeals Digital Matching Game, Point of View Digital Matching Game

Digital Worksheets
Digital worksheets are a quick and easy solution to basic classroom activities such as reading comprehension or grammar practice. Students find them easy to use, and digital versions are often more visually appealing than their printable counterparts.
Check out the digital worksheets: The Pedestrian Digital Short Story Unit, The Landlady Digital Short Story Unit, The Cask of Amontillado Digital Short Story Unit, The Hate U Give Digital Workbook, Long Way Down Digital Workbook, Dear Martin Digital Workbook

Digital Novel Units
Teaching a novel online while trying to use materials meant for in-person instruction can feel disjointed for students. A digital novel unit is a cohesive option that will save you a considerable amount of planning time.
Check out these digital novel units: The Hate U Give Digital Novel Unit, Long Way Down Digital Novel Unit, Dear Martin Digital Novel Unit

Generic Activity Sets
Generic activity sets are versatile enough for a variety of texts. It can be difficult to find resources for specific texts when teaching virtually, and generic resources provide a solution with a huge variety of activities that can be reused all year with different texts.
Check out these generic activity sets: 25 Digital Short Story Activities, Digital Novel Unit for Any Novel

Boom Cardsâ„¢
Boom Cards™ are a great option for a game review. The sounds and animations make them engaging and fun for students. Unlike other game options you may play with students online, Boom Cards™ don’t reward students for quick responses. Students can take their time when choosing answers, which is great for students with processing difficulties. There are no teams, and students don’t see how other students are doing. That relieves some pressure on students and allows them to focus. The only downside to Boom Cards™ is that you may need to create a paid account on Boom Learning™.
Check out these Boom Cardsâ„¢: Irony Boom Cardsâ„¢, Rhetorical Appeal Boom Cardsâ„¢

Digital Graphic Organizers
Even when working online, students need the support of graphic organizers to organize their ideas before writing. Digital organizers are easy to use, and students can type directly into the documents.
Check out these digital graphic organizers: Argument Essay Digital Graphic Organizer, 5 Paragraph Essay Digital Graphic Organizer
Happy teaching!